目前分類:Web Framework ( Yii ) (9)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1. 取得網站根目錄 ( 例如:/seminar2014 )

<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>

2. 取得網站目前網址 ( 例如:/seminar2014/site/index )

<?php echo Yii::app()->request->requestUri; ?>

3. 取得 Controller Name ( 例如:site)

<?php echo Yii::app()->controller->id; ?>

4. 取得 Action Name ( 例如:index)

<?php echo Yii::app()->controller->action->id; ?>

5. 取得 proteced 目錄的物理路徑 ( 例如:C:\web\xampp\htdocs\cases\seminar2014\protected )


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  • raw: the attribute value will not be changed at all.
  • text: the attribute value will be HTML-encoded when rendering.
  • ntext: the formatNtext method will be called to format the attribute value as a HTML-encoded plain text with newlines converted as the HTML <br /> tags.
  • html: the attribute value will be purified and then returned.
  • date: the formatDate method will be called to format the attribute value as a date.
  • time: the formatTime method will be called to format the attribute value as a time.
  • datetime: the formatDatetime method will be called to format the attribute value as a date with time.
  • boolean: the formatBoolean method will be called to format the attribute value as a boolean display.
  • number: the formatNumber method will be called to format the attribute value as a number display.
  • email: the formatEmail method will be called to format the attribute value as a mailto link.
  • image: the formatImage method will be called to format the attribute value as an image tag where the attribute value is the image URL.
  • url: the formatUrl method will be called to format the attribute value as a hyperlink where the attribute value is the URL.


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1. 確認好 Model 裡的 relations()

public function relations(){
    return array(
        'creator' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'creator_id'),

2. 在 Model 裡的 defaultScope() 中 新增下面程式碼

public function defaultScope()
    return array(
        'with' => array('creator'),

3. 只要使用正常方式 find 資料,均會有相關聯的資料表資料

4. 如果使用 CDbCriteria,只要加入一行指令即可。


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例如: Module 名稱為 admin,只要在 AdminModule.php 內,新增以下程式碼即可:

public $layout = '/layouts/column2';

至於在 column2 內 載入 main.php 只要使用 /layouts/main 即可。


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1. 修改 protected\config\main.php

return array(
    'language' => 'zh_tw',

2. 在 protected\messages\ 新增資料夾 zh_tw

3. 在 protected\messages\zh_tw 底下新增檔案 common.php,內容格式如下:

return array(
    'site/index' => '最新消息',

4. 呼叫函式 Yii::t('檔案名稱', '設定轉換文字'); ,例如:Yii::t('common', 'site/index')


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1. 下載檔案 yii-fancybox

2. 將目錄 assets 及檔案 FancyBox.php 放到目錄 protected/extensions/fancybox 底下

3. 將底下程式碼放到 views 中

$this->widget('application.extensions.fancybox.FancyBox', array(
    'target' => 'a[rel=gallery]',
    'config' => array(),

git 安裝成 submodule


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覺得 Yii 的網址不夠美觀嗎??

可以照著下面的方法,來讓網址更簡潔美觀唷!! 去掉 index.php 和 僅顯示路徑名稱。

1. 在 webapp 下新增一個 .htaccess 檔,並將以下內容複製貼上:

RewriteEngine on

# if a directory or a file exists, use it directly
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

# otherwise forward it to index.php
RewriteRule . index.php

2. 修改 /protected/config/main.php 設定檔來啟用 urlManager:

// uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-forma


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本批次檔除了新增 Yii webapp 外,還會新增 Yii 在 git 需要的 .gitignore 檔案,內容如下:


ECHO ★ Auto Create Yii Framework Webapp By ChouAndy ★

@SET /P VAR1=請輸入 Yii Webapp 名稱:

@if not exist %VAR1% goto 1
@goto end
md %VAR1%

ECHO # Ignore section> %VAR1%\.gitignore
ECHO /assets/*>> %VAR1%\.gitignore
ECHO /protected/runtime/*>> %VAR1%\.gitignore
ECHO.>> %VAR1%\.gitignore
ECHO # Except section>> %VAR1%\.gitignore
ECHO !/assets/empty>> %VAR1%\.gitignore
SET /P=!/protected/runtime/empty> %VAR1%\.gitignore

CALL yii\framework\yiic.bat webapp %VAR1%


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1. 新增 PHP 資料夾至系統變數裡的 Path 變數

( Win7: 開始工具列 > 電腦右鍵內容 > 進階系統設定 > 環境變數 > Path )

2. 打開 Windows 的命令提示字元

3. 進入 Yii Framework Root 的 framework 資料夾

4. 然後執行下面指令


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